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4 Tips for a Smooth In Home Newborn Session

Newborn photos are some of my most favorite sessions to capture. There are no words to describe the absolute awe that parents are in when looking at their newborn baby. I remember feeling that way when we took newborn photos with our son and looking back, I still cannot believe how tiny he was and how much he’s grown and changed since then. As a mama, I’m so glad we took in home newborn photos because it brings me back to those first tender moments with my son and the overwhelming feeling of love I felt from the moment I laid eyes on him. As a photographer, it is such a gift to be able to witness that same moment for other parents and capture that time for parents to cherish for the rest of their lives.

If you’re thinking about doing a newborn session for your brand new baby- trust me, you will not regret it. To help prepare you for your session, here are some quick tips to make your newborn session as smooth as possible!

Tip 1: Schedule your newborn photos to fall during the first 5-12 days of life

If you’re expecting soon and wondering when you should take your newborn photos, the sweet spot for newborn photos is anytime between five to twelve days old. After the twelve day mark your little babe is going to be awake more frequently during the day and will start to become more aware of the world around them. The goal is to take the photos while your baby is still nice and sleepy during the day.

Tip 2: Time Baby’s Feeding

This one is so important- time your baby’s feeding to end 10 or so minutes before your photographer will arrive. During the first few months, baby needs to eat on average every 2-3 hours (if you’re breastfeeding- I believe the window is a bit longer for bottle-fed babes) so I’d recommend trying to get a feel for how long each feeding lasts to create the perfect feeding window before the session. Personally, our feedings usually took around 20-25 minutes and then we’d take another 5-10 minutes to burp him so I knew I needed to start our feeding at least 35 minutes prior to the start of our session.

Tip 3: Fresh Diaper and Photoshoot Outfit

After baby has been fed and burped, change baby’s diaper and put on the photoshoot I’d say no sooner than 5 minutes before the photographer’s arrival. This’ll give the outfit a fighting chance to be clean and spit up/blow out free for the session- but I will say it’s always a good idea to have a back up outfit just in case.

Tip 4: Swaddle + Suck!

If your baby is fussy during the session, swaddle them and offer a pacifier (if using) to help calm baby and hopefully help them drift to sleep during the session.

I hope all of these tips and tricks are helpful for your newborn session!

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